You can Quiver these, to increase the amount you can sell at one time. Otherwise, find the one that sells the best (fastest/most profitable) and make them up to 16, or beyond. If you have sufficient Alchemy and can level up by making one of them, then that’s probably your best shot. Bolts (15)- Earth Crystal, Bolthead, Ash Lumber-Pick a type.Sell at AH for profit if you can, but you’ll be using these later anyway. Ash Lumber (8)- Wind Crystal, Ash Log-Make these to 8, it’s cheap as well.Get to 8 between these and Ash Lumber (below) the exact mix is up to you. TEST ITEM and a decent dump-synth if you get the lumber at minimum price and cheap crystals. Workbench (7)- Earth Crystal, Lauan Lumber x4: The lumber is cheap and plentiful at the Guildshop because it's only used for making some furniture.Sell some at AH for profit if you can, but you may want to save them for later. Maple Lumber (5)- Wind Crystal, Maple Log-Make up to 5, it’s cheap.Arrowwood Lumber (2)- Wind Crystal, Arrowwood Log-Make these up to cap and save them you’ll use them later.Learn when to pause and make up lost gil before continuing on. Power-crafting, especially in Woodworking, can have stretches where you lose gil and stretches where you can make good gil. Fishing lets you break rods easily (for repair).Ĩ.

Goldsmithing and Clothcraft get you advanced Furniture, a great source of profit. Bonecraft for arrowheads from 0-91 in skill. Alchemy gets you Bast Parchment for Ninja-tools and bolt heads. Smithing for some weapons and furniture, as well as bolt heads. With any luck the same Nation will control Norvallen, for a limitless supply of Arrowwood and Ash Logs.ħ. That one will have the NPC for bundling arrows in quivers. Pay attention to which Nation is in First for Conquest Rankings. The only other places to travel involve Regional Vendors and/or Quivers.Ħ. You’ll be buying almost everything from the Guildshops in Northern Sandy, Carpenters' Landing and al Zahbi, or the AH. The market for various lumbers varies greatly by where other people are in their Woodworking skills, even more so than other crafts.ĥ. Always, always, always research the AH before starting on lumber projects. Some regional vendors sell logs, like Norvallen, that are a little more expensive than the base price for the guildshop but have a larger supply.Ĥ.

Nothing saves time when synthing hundreds of arrows or bolts like the ability to make the lumber more quickly and cheaply, especially when you start HQing.ģ. Unlike other Guild Point skills you can buy, this one is always worth the effort. Either buy your logs at AH or at guild in Sandy.Ģ. The logging points are either well-camped, like in Ghelsba Outpost, or are spread far apart and are a bitch to run between, like pretty much everywhere else.